2010 Wauquiez Owners Rendezvous

A bunch of Wauquiez Owners will be meeting in Port Townsend, WA this weekend for the annual rendezvous. We will be speaking with two other boats on preparations for cruising - more on that later.

This time we actually ARE up at 4:00am because all forecast data suggests that we will have a full day against tide and we need to make it to Port Townsend before customs closes. Thankfully the wind forecast has switched from against us to in our favor.

This, hopefully, is our last time for a very long time as weekend warriors where we schedule ourselves to do a long trip to a specific place on a specific day and thus have to go even if the conditions suck (well, if it were unsafe rather than simply annoying we would go by car).

The Rrendezvous is a good time and in a way it is like a pre-bon voyage party for us. We've been dreaming of the "last Rendezvous pre-cruising" for a while because we knew it would be shortly before we left the dock.

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